December'18 - Gestalt Institute - Cairo, Egypt

Lost Reflections
Group Exhibition
December 1st - 2018
Mental Health Awareness initiative
Proud to have taken Part in Lost Reflections Exhibition for A Mental Health initiative
By: Gestalt Institute, Cairo, Egypt
All Guards Down, was the chosen Art Series for the Exhibition, Curated by the institute staff in collaboration with a committee of Art Therapists.
Exhibited Artworks demonstrate how Letting your guards down is the only way to manifest your desires and dreams, By shamelessly being your True Self and Embracing all your sides, through self-Compassion.
February'19 - Arte Aurora - Barcelona, Spain

Group Exhibition
February - 2019
Curated By: Fatma Gul
Represented by Artness System in collaboration with Arte Aurora
Two of my Artworks from Translucent Series were selected to be exhibited from 1st - 5th February 2019 - The paintings selected were:
The Striker
Inspired by Societal conflicts and the struggle behind growing past them in the middle east.
Inspired by the Art of letting go;
People sometimes hold onto everything that seems familiar out of fear of the unknown, Shine however, communicates the one way to evolve is through letting go.